Ambassador Signup

Complete this form to become an ‘Ambassador’ with OWN IT: Building Black Wealth. A team member will contact you to discuss your commitment and answer any questions about the initiative.

"*" indicates required fields

Your full name, including first and last.
The legal name of your personally owned business. This is used for tax records required for financial reporting.
The real estate broker or employer you work with
Profession Type*

Ambassadors are encouraged to contribute a portion or a percentage of their net earnings from every closing or real estate transaction to the down payment fund. Are you ready to commit to making financial contributions?
If you are ready to start contributing, set your pledge now. It can be a percentage of your earnings (% per closing/transaction), a specific amount per closing ($ per transaction), or a specific amount per month ($ per month).
Race / Ethnicity*

Identify as a Person of Color*
Do you give permission to be identified as a person of color in the ambassador list online?
Are you interested in volunteering your time, expertise, and other resources to advance OWN IT?
Email Updates*
Ambassadors receive email updates about OWN IT. If you do not want to receive this email, you may opt out now.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.